Take an extended flight with Airport Mania: First Flight XP!
The XP stands for eXtended Play and that is the focus of this new (phone only!) edition of everyone's favorite airplane game. Airport Mania XP edition has several features not found in the original Airport Mania phone game, including the 4 Star Challenge, 8 Additional levels (56 total!), Colorblind Options, and Endless Mode making the XP version of Airport Mania the definitive edition of the game! Be sure to book your trip to fun now!
Airport Mania was first released in 2008 and has since become loved around the world for its "made to make you smile" theme and its exciting non-stop action. Filled with charismatic planes, whimsical airports, and addictively intense gameplay that is both fun and challenging for everyone from children to the most veteran gamer, Airport Mania is one flight you simply can't afford to miss!
* 8 distinctly different Airports!
* Whimsical Graphics and Music!
* Awards to Challenge your skills!
* 56 Unique Levels!
* Secret Paper planes mode!
* Colorblind Options!
* Automatically saves as you play!
"...the best time management I have seen in a long time..." - App Modo
"Gameplay is fast and very intuitive." - IntoMobile
"I promise you’ll never be bored..." - Gamezebo
"...the game play can go on for hours and hours..." - App Chatter
"I love Airport Mania." - iGadgetJunkie
"Airport Mania is time management at its best." - The Appera
"...one of those App Store gems we love to find..." - TouchGen
"...you can't beat the entertainment value of this app." - AppVee
* 8个明显不同的机场!
* 56独特的水平!
“......在很长一段时间我见过的最好的时间管理......” - 应用MODO
“游戏是快速,非常直观。” - IntoMobile
“我答应你永远不会觉得无聊。” - Gamezebo
“......玩游戏可以去上几个小时......” - APP聊天
“我爱疯狂机场”。 - iGadgetJunkie
“疯狂机场是时间管理处于最佳状态。” - Appera
“......我们爱找那些App Store的宝石之一......” - TouchGen
“......你不能击败这个程序的娱乐价值。” - AppVee