Fly a Boeing 747-8i in a real world simulated environmen of Hawaii maps!
- Realistic model of a 747-8i
- Real airplane physics.
- 2 airports
- Realist terrain.
- 4 different missions.
- Using Nasa’s utility FoilSim 3 to calculate the physics of the airplane (really realistic).
- Other aircrafts on scenario.
- World is really huge!
- Day and night flights!
- Ability to rotate the camera around the plane.
- Air brakes on landing.
- 4 different views:
- Full plane (also rotating the camera!)
- Cockpit
- Passanger view, or "Wing view"
- Tower view
- Situational simulated:
- Engine failure if the aircraft hits a structure.
- Heat and temperature problems on overspeed.
Now the game is divided in missions!
- landing mission
- take passengers from one airport to another
- land a Boeing 737-400 experimenting some engine problems
- free flight
- improved audio and controls.
- better graphics, environment and performance.
- enhanced shadows, more realistic game.
- now you can play during the day and at night!
The plane explodes on buildings and floor!
This version is compact to fit Android devices, so you can enjoy the experience of real flight a Boeing 747-8i!
- 逼真的模型的747-8I
- 飞机物理学。
- 2个机场
- 写实地形。
- 4个不同的任务。
- 使用美国宇航局的实用FoilSim 3飞机(真求实)的物理计算。
- 其他飞机上的情景。
- 世界是非常巨大的!
- 日间和夜间的航班!
- 能够旋转的摄像头周围的平面。
- 空气刹车着陆。
- 4种不同的观点:
- 全平面(同时旋转相机!)
- 驾驶舱
- 男乘客认为,“永图”
- 铁塔美景
- 情景模拟:
- 飞机发动机故障,如果击中一个结构。
- 热和温度问题上超速。
- 着陆任务
- 接载乘客从一个机场到另一个
- 降落波音737-400尝试一些引擎问题
- 自由飞行
- 改进的音频和控制。
- 更好的图形,环境和性能。
- 增强的阴影,更逼真的游戏。
- 现在你可以在白天和晚上玩!
- Now the performance is much better!
- some bug fixes!
- compatible with more 100 devices! Now that the performance is enhanced.